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Anxiety & Depression Counseling | The Healing Place | Man Walking Down Road Photo

Anxiety & Depression

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People who are depressed cannot "snap out of it". Saying this to a depressed person creates more pain because they have likely spent much time saying this to themselves and feeling like a failure because they cannot get past these feelings.


If you or a loved one has several of the symptoms below, 
please get a depression screening!


Symptoms of depression may include the following:

  • difficulty concentrating, remembering details, and making decisions

  • fatigue and decreased energy

  • feelings of guilt, worthlessness, and/or helplessness

  • feelings of hopelessness and/or pessimism

  • insomnia, early-morning wakefulness, or excessive sleeping

  • irritability, restlessness

  • loss of interest in activities or hobbies once pleasurable, including sex

  • overeating or appetite loss

  • persistent aches or pains, cramps, headaches, or digestive problems

  • persistent sad, anxious, or "empty" feelings

  • thoughts of suicide, suicide attempts


Recent research shows us that individuals who suffered parental loss or separation early in life are more prone to depression. Depression may require medication management and psychotherapy focuses on changing beliefs about self, using cognitive-behavioral therapy. 


Most depression can be treated on an outpatient basis.  But if you are having suicidal thoughts, please go to your nearest emergency room for assessment.

The Healing Place Counseling currently offers individual and group counseling for depression.  Counseling for depression first includes a brief assessment to determine the level of depression, then focuses on supporting the client as he or she discovers the sources of depressed feelings and makes lifestyle changes as needed. 

If a client has a level of depression that may warrant medication intervention, We write a letter to the physician who may then assess and prescribe medication.

Some symptoms of anxiety include:


  • racing thoughts                      

  • elevated heart and respiration rate

  • indecisiveness

  • trembling

  • irritability

  • tingling in hands and feet

  • muscle tension

  • fearfulness

  • floating feelings

  • feeling of impending doom

  • restlessness

  • somatic complaints (stomach aches, headaches)

  • fear of dying

  • fear of going crazy


Sources of anxiety vary, but most anxiety sufferers have a family history of anxiety.  Genetics plus modeling the anxious behaviors  can result in an anxious child.

To break the cycle of increasing their own fear related to the traumatic memories. Once they've told their story, we begin cognitive restructuring, which is simply changing the way you think. 

Joining a group allows you to talk openly about anxiety and learn how to let go of fears with the support and understanding of those around you.

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