Get Tips For a Healthy Marriage from an Experienced Licensed Counselor
Have friends together
We know that couples who play together and spend time with other healthy couples are more successful in marriage.
These couples can provide a reality check (many couples seem unaware of the "sterotypical" male/female traits), accountability, and entertainment.
Spend quality AND quantity time together.
Find out what makes your spouse smile. Do that more.
Read "The Five Love Languages" by Gary Chapman
Schedule time together. Get a babysitter. Enjoy each other.
People change over time. You'll only notice if you're around and paying attention. Often when a couple seeks therapy about an affair, the spouse had no idea that their partner was cheating.
Be present!
When you hit a bump, or go through a life trauma, go back to counseling together
Couple may blame each other for big life events, good or bad, change the patterns in the relationship and if couples don't recognize this, changing.
Do a time line of your relationship to see what has affected you and how you have changed as a couple to accommodate life.
Some complaints from couples just starting counseling together
And then there are the biggies that sometimes come out further along in counseling, like affairs, secrets, (This is usually the one who is ignoring the warning signs.)
"I think our relationship is fine and she's just making a big deal of nothing. I'm here because she wants me here."
"We argue about money. I'm a saver; she's a spender. And I'm left with the responsibility of figuring out how to pay the bills."
"He used to pay so much attention to me. Now his friends, hobbies and work seem more important than our time together."
(One couple uses a "yellow flag" warning, takes a time out, then discusses the issue later after cooling down.)
The issue doesn't get resolved."
"We can't seem to communicate. When we try to discuss something, it turns into an argument or one of us walks away.addictions and pornography.
These issues do NOT have to end the relationship as long as both people are willing to take responsibility for their parts, be open and honest about what happened, and get help, marriages can often survive these things.
"When Good People Have Affairs" by Mira Kirshenbaum, can be a helpful book if you're going through this.
I do not counsel addictions, including pornography addiction. If you are struggling with that issue, as so many are these days, please seek out a qualified addictions counselor for help. I DO counsel couples in which pornography is an issue.
So get yourself a good counselor who is devoted to helping you work things out if at all possible, and sign up for counseling.
The payoffs are tremendous.
Pre - Marriage Advice
Stay in reality
Listen to the people who love you, know you best, and sincerely want what's best for you. They are outside of the cloud of infatuation.
Family and friends are not ALWAYS right, but ignoring their concerns is unwise. Don't ignore this. Talk about it. Find the root.
Speak the truth in love. Ignoring lots of "little" problems may result in a "blow up" one day.
Investigate before you tie the knot
Pretty unromantic, huh? Playing attention to your relationship dynamics and potential red flags before perusing marriage is important. People tend to have cycles of behavior that will come up, especially when faced with the difficulty of life. It is good to understand how your potential spouse may react, so you can set boundaries that are healthy for you, up front. Everyone is worthy of love, and there is no right or wrong behaviors...only what is right for YOU.
Observe and notice them around their friends, co-workers, and family.
How do they speak about their "ex"? Do they take some responsibility for the relationship failing?
Have they been "accused" of being controlling, dishonest, abusive, or unfaithful?
Have they gotten help so that these things don't happen again?
How do they handle anger, frustration, sadness, and responsibility?
Watch how they spend money and understand their credit history.
Take your time
You're talking the rest of your life here, ideally, so avoid rushing into this.
This is not a recommendation to live together before marriage because statistics show that those who live together and then marry have higher divorce rates than those who do not live together first. And if you're a Christian, your conscience will get you!
Get to know that person well in a variety of settings.
Get quality premarital counseling
The state of Florida only requires 4 hours of premarital counseling that covers certain topics in order to get a discount on the marriage certificate in Orange County.
Four hours is a very short time in which to prepare for marriage.
Find yourself a good quality counselor and make sure your counseling covers everything from parenting to finances to sex to roles to chores.
Shall I go on?
This is important!
If possible find a mentoring couple: a couple that's been married a long time, are content in their marriage and are willing to help you learn how to have a successful marriage.